
Gone in 60 Seconds: Timelapse of the CARE Building Demolition

August 22, 2014, 8:39 AM by  Ben Duell Fraser


On Tuesday, the empty, five-story CARE Building (more formally known as the AAA Building) in downtown Detroit was nudged into a pile of rubble to make way for a new apartment building. The city had sued the owner of the building, insisting it was a nuisance. Two weeks ago, a Wayne County Circuit judge ordered that the building at 139 Bagley Street be demolished.

On Thursday, Bruce Grunwald gave us 8 hours of footage of the demolition that he recorded from his window on a laptop. 

We have condensed that 8 hours into a very watchable one minute.

The CARE Building got its nickname after being graffitied for a Kid Rock music video, so we tweeted out to him to get permission to use the song in this video.

Since he did not respond, (Surprise!), we have left the music out, but you can select from any of songs below to customize your viewing experience. Below the music, please find another video of one of the better moments of the demolition, uploaded by youtuber Eric Busch.

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