
Video: Daily Show Uses Nolan Finley As Foil to Examine Detroit Water Shutoffs

November 18, 2014, 7:59 AM

The biggest problem with Detroit's water shutoffs is that people assume they can get water for free, Detroit News editorial page editor Nolan Finley says on The "Daily Show With Jon Stewart." .

"That sense of entitlement is one of our biggest problems here," he says in a segment that aired Monday night. "Why aren't you paying?"

But Daily Show actor Jessica Williams questions whether he's framing the issue wrong by claiming that people are demanding free water, when in fact, she suggest some are just looking for assistance.

She points out that the Lions and Red Wings and a golf course had owed money for water bills, but never had the water cut off like some poor people.

Finley responds that they should have had the water cut off.

They show a golf course employee washing golf balls. "Detroit needs this white dude to wash his balls," Williams says.

Read more:  The Daily Show

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