
VIDEO: In Seconds, the Historic Park Avenue Hotel Comes Crumbling Down

July 11, 2015, 8:11 AM by  Allan Lengel

Deadline Detroit Photo by Allan Lengel


At around 8 a.m. Saturday, before a small crowd of spectators on the street and in nearby residences, the Historic Park Avenue Hotel in the Cass Corridor came tumbling down.

Using 200 pounds of TNT, the vacant building built in the 1920s imploded, leaving behind a big cloud of dust that spread around the area. The explosion happened in a matter of seconds.

The building was being taken down to help make way for the new hockey arena and entertainment district.

Update: Video of the implosion from Iron Coast.


Park Avenue Hotel Implosion from Iron Coast on Vimeo.

A spectator's view from Woodward Avenue from Deadline Detroit.

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