
Thomas More Law Center Wins Great Victory For Christianity In Warren

November 30, 2012, 7:09 AM

A longtime nativity scene on Mound Road will be back this Christmas holiday after a four-year absence, report Charles E. Ramirez and Christine Ferretti in the Detroit News.

Officials with the Macomb County Road Department are expected to give Warren resident John Satawa a permit to put up the display in Mound Road's median just north of Chicago Road. The Satawa family had put up the display since 1945 until stopped by concerns by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which said  display violated constitutional principle of separation of church and state.

"He will be able to put the nativity scene every Christmas, every year," said Richard Thompson, the former Oakland County prosecutor who is president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor. "It's a tremendous victory for the display and it comes just before Christmas."

Read more:  Detroit News

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