
Nolan Finley Calls Barrow A 'Buffoon'; Barrow Calls Remarks 'Racially Charged'

August 02, 2013, 5:33 PM by  Allan Lengel

Nolan Finley

Updated: Friday, 10:15 p.m. -- Nolan Finley responded by saying: "I'm not going to dignify that idiocy with a response. My description of Mr. Barrow was 100 percent accurate based on his inappropriate performance Tuesday night."


Suffice to say, Detroit News Editorial Page Editor Nolan Finley and mayoral candidate Tom Barrow won't be going for beers any time soon.

FInley, who appeared on Fox2's "Let it Rip" show on Thursday night, said of Barrow: "He's a a buffoon, he's a jerk, he's a convicted felon." He also said he was a perennial loser in the mayoral races in Detroit, and Tuesday would mark his fourth failed attempt to get that job.

Barrow, not one to turn the other cheek, fired off a press release Friday saying Finley's remarks were "bigoted and racially charged."

"Indeed many have said that the remarks were not only racist and bigoted but divisive to the community," he said. 

The harsh words in the past two days came after a mayoral debate on Tuesday night  in which Finley was one of the people on a panel asking questions. 

Barrow ripped into the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press,  criticizing the papers for backing write-in candidate Mike Duggan and trying to focus on whether Detroit can elect a white mayor rather than on the issues. He also accused the journalists of being conservatives masquerading as objective journalists, a clear shot on Finley.

Barrow also said he would not be silenced and let anyone "take way black empowerment in Detroit."

Attempts to reach Finley late Friday afternoon and early evening via phone and email were unsuccessful. Finley later responded via email (posted at top of story).

 Barrow's campaign manager Geoffrey Garfield said Friday evening that he thought Finley's remarks were inappropriate, and that some people had mistakenly thought Finley called Barrow a "baboon" instead of a "buffoon."


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