
Consultant Steve Hood Takes Blame for Conyers' Ballot Problems

May 13, 2014, 10:31 PM

Steve Hood

Well known political consultant Steve Hood takes the blame for Rep. John Conyer's ballot problems.

"It is on me. I double checked every person that signed those petitions and I was remiss in not checking the circulators regulation status,"  Hood tells Randy Wimbley of Fox 2.. "I went on their word because they've been doing it for years."

His comments came after Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett ruled Tuesday that Conyers did not have enough legit signatures to get on the August primary ballot.  The clerk found that some of the petition circulators weren't properly registered to vote as required by law.

Conyers can appeal the decision to the Secretary of State or to a state or federal court.

On his blog, Hood writes:

 I was entrusted with gathering the petition signatures submitted by Congressman John Conyers. The signatures submitted are valid, what is in question is the status of the voter registration of the Petition Circulators. The Petition Circulators according to the language on the petition must be registered voters and this  is unconstitutional. This is bigger than John Conyers and Steve Hood this is about voter disenfranchisement. 

He also writes:

Questions have been raised as to the registration status of the Petition Circulators, not with the validity of the signatures submitted. This is where I made my mistake. Simply put, I did not have my team check the registration status of the Petition Circulators. 

I have also been asked if I did background checks on Circulators and the answer is no. People who are engaged to gather petitions are hurting and are in need of work because they for whatever reason cannot find a job. I would rather give them a chance to earn honest money.

Should Mr. Conyers be on the August Primary Ballot? Yes he should. His distinguished career should not be cast into doubt because of the requirement that Petition Circulators be registered voters.  This requirement has been ruled unconstitutional and harkens back to the days before the Voting Rights Act

Read more:  Fox 2

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