
Did Grosse Pointe Park Illegally Build Controversial Shed on Detroit's Property?

July 16, 2014, 7:31 AM

Did Grosse Pointe Park step over the line and illegally build a shed for a farmer's market on Detroit property without the city's permission?

That's what Steve Neavling of the Motor City Muckraker reports.

Neavling writes:

Grosse Pointe Park quietly built a shed this summer for a farmer’s market in the middle of a main road at the border of Detroit with the intent of permanently closing off the historic east-west route.

The move was highly controversial because Kercheval is a popular route for buses and Detroiters, and it’s the fourth street along Alter that blocks off the city to traffic.

Turns out, the property on which the shed was built actually belongs to Detroit because of an anomaly along the border, according to city and other mapping data. Wayne County tax records also indicate that the property is in Detroit.

Neavling writes that Grosse Pointe Park can’t legally build on Detroit property without city approval. He writes that the city of Detroit is looking into the matter after Motor City Muckraker inquired about it.

Read more:  Motor City Muckraker

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