
Family Rift: Mike Morse's Sister Reportedly Helps Federal Investigation of Him

December 20, 2018, 6:05 PM

Emily Morse poses last month in Los Angeles with a word that certainly seems apt. (Instagram photos)

Federal court coverage can be the edgiest and most colorful beat in journalism, particularly here.

Robert Snell demonstrates that again late Thursday afternoon with a scoop:

The sexologist sister of attorney Mike Morse received immunity from prosecution and testified before a federal grand jury investigating ties between the high-profile lawyer's firm and improperly obtained police reports, The Detroit News has learned.

Two sources familiar with the investigation revealed how federal agents pierced the inner circle of the high-profile head of Michigan's largest personal-injury law firm by targeting his sister. . . .

The University of Michigan graduate is three years younger than her attorney brother.

Emily Morse, 48, is a Los Angeles actress, reality-show star and satellite radio host who dishes relationship advice and sex toy reviews on the "Sex With Emily" podcast.

Federal prosecutors identified her as a target of the criminal investigation last year and wrote that they had substantial evidence she participated in a money-laundering scheme and conspired to defraud the IRS, the sources told The News. . . . Two sources said Emily Morse received immunity in exchange for cooperating.

Her attorney, a past federal prosecutor, tells Snell she "is neither a target nor a subject of any of the investigations involving her brother." The lawyer doesn't deny that she got a 2017 evidence notification from the feds.

The News' 1,500-word article gives the inquiry's context:

The big brother 
(Photo: Mike Morse Law Firm) 

The alleged conspiracy being investigated by federal agents involves bribed Detroit police officers selling unauthorized accident reports that flowed to Morse's firm. . . .

Mike Morse, 51, has not been charged with wrongdoing. . . . Last week, prosecutors charged Mike Morse's college friend, Bloomfield Hills physical therapy center owner Jayson Rosett, and two former Detroit Police officers with tax conspiracy.

Morse, who lives in Huntington Woods, graduated in 1992 from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. He describes his 23-year-old Southfield practice as "Michigan's largest law firm specializing in automobile, truck and motorcycle accidents."

Any contacts with his younger sibling on the West Coast must be as frosty as a chilled holiday beverage, we imagine.

-- Alan Stamm

Read more:  The Detroit News

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