
Gay pride weekend in Detroit disrupted by marching Nazis

June 09, 2019, 10:35 AM by  Nancy Derringer

Nazi marchers at Detroit Pride. (Photo: Kim Redigan/Facebook)

A small group of self-identified Nazis disrupted yesterday's Pride march in downtown Detroit, multiple media sources and social-media accounts indicate. 

The Guardian, a U.K.-based newspaper with a strong online presence in the U.S., reports that a group calling itself the National Socialist Movement "held placards, gave Nazi salutes and displayed armbands with swastikas." A wire-service photo shows one black-clad white supremacist urinating -- or appearing to urinate -- on an Israeli flag.

Deadline Detroit contributor Kelsey Hubbell posted this video on her Facebook page Saturday afternoon (warning: offensive language):

Another video, by Facebook user Syd Gossett, showed the march escorted (and outnumbered) by a phalanx of Detroit police officers, which The Detroit News reported was to keep the group from clashing with others:

Otherwise, the celebration at Hart Plaza appeared peaceful. Around 25,000 were expected over two days, making Motor City Pride the largest event of its kind in Michigan. 

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