
'Beef-settling' lures crowds downtown; Detroit Police break it up

May 28, 2020, 7:11 AM

Behold the power of Instagram: A post inviting people to "settle their beefs" downtown Wednesday night led to police sweeping the area of around 1,000 young people, but not many fights. 

Fox 2 Detroit reports:

About 40 people were detained by officers after a gathering of about 1,000 people Detroit police told FOX 2. A large police presence was seen at Campus Martius and along the Riverwalk where about half of it was closed down by officers.

Detroit police said that there was only a couple fights and mostly just teens gawking and meeting up with friends. From video and photos of the scene not many of the teens wore masks and little social distancing was being used. 

Other social-media posts showed crowds running (some on electric scooters), young women fighting, and mostly a lot of people capturing the action on their own phones, because if it isn't on Snap, TikTok or the 'gram, it didn't happen:

Read more:  Fox 2 Detroit

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