
Live music returns, with safeguards. So many safeguards.

July 19, 2020, 8:38 AM

Summer is usually the time for outdoor music in Detroit -- concerts at Campus Martius, the riverfront and elsewhere. Covid-19 changed that, but on July 25, one show will go on, outdoors and, it is hoped, safely. 

The show will go on -- differently -- at Detroit Music Weekend. (Event poster)

Brian McCollum reports in the Free Press:

A free, daylong festival featuring dozens of local bands and singers is planned for Saturday outside Music Hall — a socially distanced event that will fill the corner of Madison and Grand River with live music.

With its lineup of 50 acts and a permitted crowd of about 90 people at any given time, Detroit Music Weekend will be the biggest concert in Michigan since the coronavirus pandemic shut down the state in March.

Entry to the event, which will run noon to 9 p.m. Saturday, is first come, first served.

A poster proclaims: "We have figured out how to do it safely with individual 6 foot carpet pads for the audience, a big stage with 8 person limit, disinfected microphones and keyboards. You name it and we have thought about how to keep our audience safe."

The event will be held in the Music Hall parking lot. "Space is extremely limited so come early," the poster says. Mandatory masks, sanitizing stations, bathrooms disinfected regularly -- all procedures are in place. 

Fifty acts are scheduled, but only 90 people may be in the crowd at any given time. Still, it will be "the biggest concert in Michigan since the coronavirus pandemic shut down the state in March."

Read more:  Detroit Free Press

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