
It's a timely weekend to cast your $3/month vote with other Deadline Detroit members

November 07, 2020, 11:32 AM

What a week, right? Don’t unbuckle just yet – the post-election drama isn't over, even though Joe Biden is president-elect.



We hope our roundups of election news, voter reactions and political analysis helped you keep up with timely coverage from Metro Detroit and beyond. We were at TCF Center on Wednesday afternoon when tempers flared, as captured on video by two staff members. We reported a day earlier on a blunt history lesson by Fox 2's Maurielle Lue about black voting history.

We also posted other Michigan election news and updated results. Deadline Detroit’s small team hustles hard to distill what’s accurate, what’s important and to explain why it matters – every day, not just during a historic week with 50 posts here.

If this independent site’s coverage is reliable and useful, especially this historic year, please consider sustaining our work by becoming a member for $3 a month or more.


Non-corporate journalism needs reader support, in addition to ads, so we can stay buckled in. Your donation lets us post fearless, insightful reporting and commentary without a subscription paywall. It also makes you eligible for monthly rewards, such as $20 Amazon gift certificates that three members won last week.

Thanks for valuing our community service and confirming that it makes a difference, particularly this tumultuous year.

-- Deadline Detroit staff



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