Food & Drink

Video: Barstool Sports comes to Detroit and orders Supino pizza

January 22, 2021, 11:06 AM

The deliciousness (File photo)

How you feel about Barstool Sports and the man who calls himself "El Presidente," David Portnoy, very likely depends on your tolerance for, or dare we say affection for, a certain sort of fratty bro, because Portnoy is indisputably one of those.

However, in the long Detroit tradition of caring deeply what high-profile out-of-towners think of us -- our various scenes, our lodgings, but most especially our food -- you may well like this video. In it, Portnoy orders and consumes most of a slice of Supino's cheese pizza. (Portnoy and Barstool Sports are in town to mark the beginning of casino-based legal sports betting in Detroit.)

Because pizza and fratty bros go together like peas and carrots, and because Supino's makes, hands down, the best thin crust pizza in this city and many others, he likes it. Watch below:

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