
'Dangerous and dumb:' Detroit News editorial slams Rep. Maddock's bill to regulate fact checkers

May 19, 2021, 10:17 AM

Rep. Matt Maddock is so far out on the right-wing fringe that even Finley & Friends at The Detroit News ridicule his latest legislative stunt.

Rep. Matt Maddock has "had enough of these fact checkers." (Photo: Facebook)

"The idea of registering 'fact checkers' with the state ... flies in the face of the First Amendment, and [he] should ditch this dangerous and dumb idea," says a Wednesday editorial written or approved by opinion editor Nolan Finley.

The legislation, spearheaded by Rep. Matt Maddock, R-Milford, isn’t likely to pass, but it’s troubling that any elected official thinks it's acceptable for the government to interfere with the workings of a free press — one of the most treasured rights we have as Americans, and one that’s protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Maddock has been a leading voice among state Republicans who questioned the results of the 2020 election. Maddock's wife, Meshawn Maddock, is co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

The western Oakland freshman representative defends his idea on Facebook, posting last week: "Don't make egregious fact-check mistakes, and this bill won't affect you." A month earlier, Maddock told his 5,400 followers there that he "had enough of these fact checkers only body-checking conservatives."

The News editorial accuses Maddock of pandering to his "Trump-loving base" and adds:

Maddock’s bill clearly seeks to intimidate the work of journalists in their pursuit of the truth by forcing fact checkers to register with the state. ... 

It's not the job of the government to regulate what any journalist does in such sweeping fashion. Libel laws already exist to protect against the intentional spread of false information.


Michigan GOP Election Denier Pushes Bill to Fine Fact Checkers When They're 'Wrong,' May 12

Read more:  The Detroit News

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