
Crony of Anthony Marrocco Indicted in Detroit Metro Airport Scandal

August 13, 2018, 1:10 PM

Anthony Marrocco

Angelo D'Alessandro, a Shelby Township businessman who bankrolled former Macomb County Public Works Commissioner Anthony Marrocco’s failed re-election campaign. is charged in a multimillion dollar corruption case involving Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

D'Alessandro, accused of knowing about wire fraud and failing to tell federal investigators, is named in a criminal information that indicates a guilty plea is expected, Robert Snell of The Detroit News reports.

That suggests the 54-year-old may be cooperating in the federal probe into the airport and other matters, Snell writes: 

He was charged nine months after The Detroit News obtained a sealed wiretap affidavit that showed FBI agents had tapped at least a dozen phones during a probe that led investigators to start orbiting the lucrative world of municipal sewer projects and Marrocco.

Marrocco has not been charged with a crime.

In April, contractor Gary Tenaglia, 64, of Rochester was charged with wire fraud conspiracy and was accused of fraudulently charging the Wayne County Airport Authority approximately $1.5 million for applying a deicing substance that was never applied, Snell reports, adding:

Tenaglia, who struck a plea deal with federal prosecutors last month, claimed to have purchased the deicing substance from AQD Construction Co. of Roseville, according to an internal airport audit obtained by The News.

D'Alessandro is the company's resident agent, according to state business filings.

D'Alessandro's name arose during the racketeering case against ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.

Read more:  The Detroit News

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