
New Era Detroit group cashes in on Gmac Cash's 'Big Gretch' Buffs fundraiser

May 05, 2020, 2:38 PM

Not every whimsical stunt turns out this well, but the stars align this time.

A Detroit rapper, a star governor and an iconic fashion accessory create a magical mix that generates $2,950 for New Era Detroit, a community engagement group.

This swift spin began Saturday when Gmac Cash dropped "Big Gretch," a song with the line: "On behalf of Detroit, we want to present these Buffs to our governor." 

The next night, he launched a GoFundMe drive to buy a pair of the pricey Cartier sunglasses (aka Buffs, aka Carties) and turn that lyric into reality. Donations zipped past the $2,500 goal in under a day and hit $2,950 from nearly 300 people by Monday night, when Gmac cut the flow. Most gifts were $5 to $10, though three high rollers kicked in $100 each.

Shortly before noon Tuesday, the Detroit performer tweeted and posted on Facebook:

"Good morning, kings and queens - just wanna take the time out to thank everyone who donated to get #BigGretch the Buffs. Unfortunately she can't accept them, but we will get that pic with her in them. So with that being said, I wanna donate all the funds to @neweradetroit "  

Gmac Cash: "We will get that pic with her in them." (Photo: Facebook)

The empowerment group, founded in 2014, says it's "dedicated to eliminating the separation between the Black older and younger generations, Black-owned businesses and Black consumers, and Blacks of different religious groups."

Recent activites include food assistance for elderly Detroiters, as well as bringing food and water to three Flint projects. "Over the past five years, NED has delivered millions of bottles of water to the doorsteps of Flint residents," says a social media post last week.



Detroit Lyric 'Throw the Buffs on Her Face' Raises $2,900 to Put a Pair on Whitmer, May 3

Detroit Rapper GMac Cash Praises 'Big Gretch,' Disses Trump in New Track, May 2


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