
Ex-Detroit Chief James Craig Met With Trump, But No Endorsement Yet

October 11, 2021, 7:09 AM

James Craig last month in Detroit (Photo: Michael Lucido)

Ex- Detroit Police Chief James Craig met in Florida with ex-President Donald Trump on Sept. 29.

Since then, no word of a Trump endorsement, Paul Egan of the Detroit Free Press notes.

Craig isn't the state's only Republican gubernatorial candidate hoping for a public nod from Trump, the paper says:

"I would hope that he would kind of watch what everyone is doing," and not make any snap decisions, the Rev. Ralph Rebandt, a candidate for governor from Farmington Hills, said of Trump.  

Ryan Kelley, another candidate, posted a Facebook photo with Trump. "This photo does not imply a Trump endorsement," the Ottawa County hopeful said on his campaign page.  "But we can all pray for one!"

So far, Craig is considered the party favorite to take on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2022. 

Read more:  Detroit Free Press

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