
Video: Shri Thanedar Holiday Party Turns Into a Shoving Match With Pro-Palestinian Protesters

December 18, 2023, 10:49 AM by  Allan Lengel

A scuffle breaks out (Screen shot from Myron Watkins video)

A Saturday night holiday party at a Midtown Detroit restaurant for the 13th Congressional District, featuring Democratic Congressman Shri Thanedar, turned into an angry shoving match when pro-Palestinian protesters started chanting and disrupting the event.

The protesters, about 20 in all, were mingling as partygoers shortly before 7 p.m, until Thanedar began speaking at the Common Pub on Cass Avenue, according to one eyewitness, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. 

"Shri you can't hide, we charge you with genocide," they chanted, a reference to the thousands of deaths of Palestinians in Gaza during the Israeli-Hamas conflict. The group is angry that Thanedar has not spoken up on the issue.

Some of the party guests began shoving the protesters out the door, creating a chaotic scene, according to the witness and video posted on social media. As the protesters were being ejected, some chanted "Cease Fire Now!"

The clash was just another sign of the Middle East conflict's impact around the globe, including Metro Detroit, home to a large Arab and Jewish population.

One bloodied female partygoer made an angry video spewing anti-Arab remarks, saying "there's a boycott on Arabs, it's time." (see video at bottom of story)

Wayne County Commissioner Jonathan C. Kinloch posted that video, plus others  on X, formerly Twitter, showing the partygoers confronting protesters.

"This event has been the tradional time for Black democratic community activist to come together in harmony," Kinloch wrote.

(Video below by Myron Watkins)

The witness said police showed up, but by then the protesters had been removed from the party. 

Detroit Police issued a statement to Deadline Detroit, saying the Mobile Field Force responded to calls from the party, but no arrests were made. Police said detectives are investigating the matter. 

"The Detroit Police Department will take strong action against any protest that is threatening to injure others or is a threat to damage property."

Thanedar posted a comment on X Sunday:

Last night, the peaceful Christmas party for Michigan’s 13th District at a private venue was disrupted by aggressive protestors. They created a situation of violence where innocent party goers, including elderly people, were injured. Some seriously. I love and value the First Amendment, and encourage civil disagreement, but violence of any kind is unacceptable. And if these protestors think hurting senior citizens at a Christmas party is going to win people over to their side, they are very mistaken.

One of the key pro-Palestinian protesters did not return a call for comment. 

But a  group going by the name Palestinian Youth Movement posted this statement on Instagram:

A group of protestors and concerned constituents disrupted Shri Thanedar mid-speech at the congressman’s holiday party on Saturday, Dec 16th in Detroit to urge him to support a ceasefire resolution, cut his ties with AIPAC and end US financial support for the Israeli genocide of Gaza.

Right as protestors began chanting, they were met with force and violence by Thanedar’s team and supporters who proceeded to shove, slam, choke, and threaten the protestors with additional harm.

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