
Most Importantly, What Did Joe Biden and Mayor Duggan Eat at the Roma Cafe?

January 15, 2014, 11:17 PM by  Allan Lengel

Mayor Duggan and VP Biden exit the Roma Cafe.

For the moment, let's  forget about the headier issues of the day. 

Let's think food.  

What did Vice President Joe Biden and newly minted Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan eat when they dined together Wednesday night at the Roma Cafe in Eastern Market?

Michele Deleeuw, general manager of the iconic Roma Cafe, told Deadline Detroit late Wednesday night that both Biden and Duggan had veal parmesan for the main course along with penne arrabiata. For an appetizer, they had mozzarella and tomatoes.

For drinks? Nonalcoholic beverages.

And dessert?

Nothing, Deleeuw said. 

"There was just too much food, they couldn't do it."

"It was very exciting," she said. "A lot of customers were happy to see them. We had a lot of pictures taken. Both were very gracious. We had a great time."

She said about eight U.S. Secret Service agents returned to the restaurant later after they were off duty and had a meal.

"They had a very delicious meal," she said. "They had pretty much what the vice president and mayor had. We appreciated their business."

Biden will visit the auto show.

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