
Hamtramck puzzle: What sent this school district leader on a 'temporary leave' now in 5th month?

March 04, 2022, 3:11 PM

Hamtramck Public Schools haven't had a permanent leader since mid-October, when Superintendent Jaleelah Hassan Ahmed announced "a temporary leave of absence to address my own personal well-being." 

Jaleelah Hassan Ahmed: "My leave may come as a surprise. ... It is my hope that I will return." (Photo: Abbas M. Shehab)

The district leader, whose three-year contract expires June 30, reportedly continues earning her $130,000 salary while two subordinates serve as acting superintendents.

Ahmed hasn't openly explained why she needs months off, though a public statement when she stepped aside suggests her leave may be stress-related. "It is my hope that I will return and come back revitalized, with a refreshed perspective," she said nearly five months ago.

Capitol Confidential, a news site of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, posts:

According to district records, Ahmed has been collecting regular paychecks the entire time she has been off the job. She remains on the district’s payroll as of Feb. 18, more than a month after a Jan. 10, 2022, self-declared back-to-work deadline.

... Ahmed notified district officials on Oct. 11, 2021, that she would stop performing her duties as superintendent until Jan. 10, 2022. The district responded by stripping her of school building and communications access codes, keys and pass cards. According to a letter the district sent to Ahmed on Oct. 14, 2021, she was also barred from taking any actions as a school official.

The district "did not respond to an email seeking comment on Ahmed's status," adds managing editor Tom Gantert of the Midland-based center.

Hamtramck has about 3,300 students in eight schools.

Ahmed, who earned a master's degree in education at the University of Michigan in 2007, was hired in July 2019 after working in Dearborn's district and as an education consultant.

In an Oct. 11 letter to parents, staff and students, she acknowledged: "I know the news of my leave may come as a surprise."

The five-paragraph announcement, embedded below, also says:

"I must prioiritize and address my own physical, mental health and well-being. ... Thank you for your understanding and compassion."

Coverage of Ahmed's abrupt departure in the Yemeni American, a local monthly newspaper and news site, gave background on strains in the system with eight public schools:

The district is having a difficult time since students have returned to classrooms. Over the past three months [August-October], the district has seen 30 resignations, according to listed board meeting agendas. Currently, Hamtramck Public Schools is hiring for 43 positions, 20 of which are for teachers in the district.

A stated reason for the resignations has not been made available by Hamtramck Public Schools.

However, Toni Coral, president of the Hamtramck Federation of Teachers, says that this is due to inconsistent decisions on the part of district administration. ... "They're leaving because they saw what was happening around them," Coral said. "And they said, 'yeah, no, this is not good.' So they started sending letters to the board directly, their resignation letters."

Contract negotiations between Hamtramck Public Schools and the union started Jan. 31.

Superintendent's letter 5 months ago:

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